I've just "finished" watching a documentary film called "Inside Islam".
The following are the comments I made during the film.
1. "The largest population of Muslims live in Asia". Of course here she forgot to mention that by Asia, she means SOUTH ASIA. - PAKISTAN, INDIA, BANGLADESH, INDONESIA. Why do I make this distinction? I don't know, perhaps Asia is the biggiest continent in the world? I don't know, perhaps Asia is the most culturally/ethnically diverse continent in the world? I don't know, perhaps it's just fucking outrageous and sensational to say "most Muslims live in Asia"? "Wow, what a shocker! I've always thought Muslims were Arabs but now I realize Most Muslims are Asian!". Get a grip. The chick (Mogahad) is from the States, and she KNOWS that when people in general (this does not include the Brits, Aussies or Kiwis or whatever they call themselves. Brit townies) think of Asians, the first thing that comes to their mind is a picture of North East Asians, the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese with their slanted eyes, Hentai and what not. So if you want to say "the majority of Muslims live in Asia", mention the fucking names of your beloved countries. Moving on.
2. Now I'm watching the part about the world trade center collapse. Of course, we all saw that coming. and Naturally this woman is making a comment about how shocked she was to see the towers falling. All so predictable. "Please...God.... Let.. this.. Not.. Be... Muslims", says she.
3. Now they are showing a picture of a hot firefighter.
4. She says she is coming at this research as a scientist, a mother, a woman, an American and a Muslim. This is hillarious. She's basically stating that this film is going to be a baised one. I remember this scene from Fam guy where Brokeback Mountain is seen from a horse's persepective. - two horses chilling by the tent(where Jake and Heath are). One horse gets curious and peeps inside the tent, the moment he sticks his head inside the tent, he gets freaked out and screams "run" to the other horse. And the two horses run away.
Can you read between the lines?
5. Now I'm looking at a good looking man who says he's a reseracher and that this film does not have any political agenda. HILLARIOUS.
"My mission is to inform.. No political agenda... It's not my mission to change... but not only that. (here comes the funny part), it's also being able to part of the bridge between the Muslim world(he accidently says "arab world" too, Freudian slip anybody?)and the US/west in general. Hahahahahaha. No political agenda? No changes? yet, building a bridge? Dude, building a "bridge" indeed is a change. Why can't you be just fucking upfront and say things the way they truly are. "We want to change the way the West view the Arab world, because we think the Western societies have a fucked up idea of what Muslims are all about. We are sick and tired of hate crime."
WE shall see.
6. O.K. First poll.
Do you believe the Western world respects the Muslim world? "No."
Palestine 84% Egypt 80% Turkey 68% Iran 62% U.S. 54%
And now they are displaying pictures of "stop-the-anti-arab-racism" demonstrations. Which again is very hillarious for Mogahad mentioned earlier that the majority of Muslims are "Asian". But it's all about the Arab world now, hah?
7. Mogahad says that the 57% of the US media content is that of Islamic militants. and that makes up only a fraction of 1% of the global Muslim community. This is fucking hillarious too. I wonder if they stole this idea from the African-American community. "NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS!". I agree, African-American males are nothing but sexy papis. Now would you stomp on my unimportant view and say that I'm "overgeneralizing?". No, you wouldn't, why? because it's a fucking compliment. Media has been prejudiced and provocative since its birth. (kinda like the way I am). Why don't you go and check out the media in the Islamic world? I bet you it's full of overgeneralization, corrupted portrayals of the West and so on. Just as sensational and propagandistic as the Western media. I say blame the ignorance and lack of criticalness of the people, not the media.
8. This Gringo dude (I missed his name, he's supposed to be some type of analyst, I think) says, "the more you get to know the muslim society, the more that you realize that their concerns are very similar to that of our own". HILLARIOUS!!! You can only imagine how fresh that must be to him and his people. "Wow.. these people also worry over things like.. what to eat for dinner? and whether their high school crushes like them or not? woww.."
9. Percentage of Muslim Portrayed as Passive in US media. Women-> 73% Men ->15%
"Compare this to what the Muslim women actually tell us",
(Hahaha, sudden change of music. So sensational.)
The second poll.
(FEMALE SURVEY) Should a woman be allowed to work at any job she is qualified for? "Yes."
Lebanon 96% Malaysia 92% Sudan 85% Saudi Arabia 82% Jordan 89% Iran 84% Egypt 83%
On that, an energetic, white haired gringo male comments "...the majority of Muslim women and men believe that women should have the same rights, equality of citizenship, equal opportunity to the work/education, etc.. " hahaha we shall see.
(MALE SURVEY) Should a woman be allowed to work at any job she is qualified for? "Yes."
Lebanon 92% Malaysia 90% Sudan 80% Saudi Arabia 74% Jordan 82% Iran 67% Egypt 62%
The funniest thing of all is the fact that Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia are NOT even listed here and those nations hold the LARGEST MUSLIM POPULATIONS. (and what about Iraq?)
10. Hijab time.
"Professional Muslim women who wear hijabs will tell you that wearing hijabs takes the emphasis away from their exterior and focuses on the interior..." And during her speech, they are displaying pictures of Muslim women protesting for their hijab wearing right. (fucking hillarious, who is stopping ya?)
"emphasis on the interior, on their mind, on their heart, it's a way for women to be judged on who they are, and not what they look like."
The stupidiest justification I've ever heard. And I would say this to your face. RIGHT to your face. RIGHT TO YOUR FACE.
"In Turkey, it's the statement of identity, the youth are using in a kind of selfless sort of way...."
Say I give you the benefit of the doubt and agree that these women wear hijabs to prove that they are most concerned with the interior part of their identity. If you really think that the exterior part of you should not matter, why do you feel the need to prove it so exteriorly? It's like watching a bunch of stupid green-haired bitches with hedious tattoos all over their body screaming "I don't care about this superficial society, it's about the individuality! My identity! I care about intelligence." But for some reason, they all have the same green hair, same type of tattoos, have the same beliefs, repeat the same shit, do the same shit as one another. Do you think you are so different and unique and intelligent, when you are just so god damn limited in your views and all you do is waste your brains cells worrying about how to come up with a different exterior image to prove the world that you are different? What if you actually spent time NOT worrying about how to "cover" yourself or "expose" yourself externally to "prove a point" and actually STUDIED the science, the diversity of cultures around the world and the history. What if you actually saw the patterns and realized that you are just one of many people are merely trying to impress others by the means of appearance. That you are no different than a pink haired anarchist woman who lives in, hmm Ireland.
And then now this woman is saying that Muslim women wear hijabs because they think it's a religious mandate.
Sad, sad, sad.
11. The Sharia
"what we found to be a growing trend in the Muslim society is that people are really using the principles of Sharia to work for greater justice."
And finally!!! They are showing a picture of Pakistani women with strike pickets that say "we hate crime against womens (there should not be "s" after women, by the way) - Pakistan Human Rights Development Organization."
"...pakistan where women can be punished for being raped."
See this? I'm sorry, this is just aweful and I shouldn't be laughing. But it is just funny to me that the video did not include Pakistan in the poll result that they showed in the earlier part of this documentary. (of course, this was because they wanted to prove that Muslims in general support women's female rights)
But let's look at the reality. Let me pause for a second and compare the number of populations in Lebanon and Pakistan.
Lebanon -> 4 million, about 60% of them are Muslims. (90% men/women support female human rights)
Pakistan -> 126 million, 97% of them are Muslims. (Has a law that allows the punishment of women for being raped)
(Source: Wikipedia)
Hahahaha, good grief.
12. Third poll
U.S. What do you know about Muslim beliefs? "not much or nothing." 54%
13. Now they are talking about terrorism in Christianity and Judism. So far, they have mentioned, Christians and KKK, the Jews and Hebron Mosque Massacre. Sounds like someone too wants to be treated like a Christian or a Jew.
14. "Many people look at suicide bombings and think the only thing that could motivate someone to actually end their own life is the promise of an afterlife, it must therefore be religiously motivated...suicide bombings are as old as time very recently the Tamil Tigers, japanese Kamikaze"
I understand and agree with her point, but the way she justifies her ideas by comparing Islamic suicide bombings to other radical examples is just unprofessional, immature and frivolous.
Here is my explanation(or a bunch of questions) for how suicide bombings should never be considered religious acts.
Afterlife = religion? Psychological Reward system = religion? If you buy me a cookie, my father will do your homework = religion? If you die for whatever stupid cause you think is so god damn important, you will go to a very nice place full of sexy virgins = religion? If you die for whatever stupid cause you think is so important, we will give your family money = religion?
15. Amount of support for the freedom of speech.
ok, most countries somewhere between 80 to 90. (by the way, this time Pakistan IS on the list. )
Now the man is uttering about how Muslims also want democracy like Americans.
I'm at 32:00 and I'm done.
I just can't do this anymore. This is too repulsive to me.
I literally feel like throwing up.
No, I just can't do this. This is too sickening. I feel sick.