- It has been the battleground for military campaigns, invasions by the pharaohs, the kinds of Assyria, Babylon and Persia, Alexander the Great, the emperors of Byzantium, the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Mamelukes and the Turks.
- British forces during the First World War took it from the Turks,
who had ruled this land ever since Sultan Selim I occupied it in 1517.
- The British rule lasted from 1917 to 1948.
- The Jews claim that the rocky land of Palestine which they called Eretz Yisrael was their traditional and spiritual home, one promised by God to Abraham and ‘to
posterity’. (they also felt that Eretz Yisrael was their only safe haven after years of persecutions and endless pogroms in their native countries.)
- The Arabs of Palestine also regarded Palestine as their rightful home,
for ‘posterity’, as they saw it, also included themselves, since they were the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s son by his concubine Ketirah.
Fucking hillarious.
- The Arabs of Palestine, on the other hand, resented the idea that they, the majority of whom were Muslims with no tradition of anti-Semitism, had to pay the price for evils committed against the Jews by others, often within European Christendom.
- They also argued that in contrast with the Jews, who had been moving in and out
of Palestine and had always been the minority in this land, they – the Arabs – had
never abandoned the land, and had for hundreds of years constituted the majority
of its population. This was true, (WHAT THE CARAJO? Jews never "abandoned" the land, they were forced to leave over and over by Romans, the Babylonians, Assyrians, etc. It's so sad when an author loses my credit from the very beginning like this) but as the years passed and Jews continued to arrive in Palestine, the demographic scales tilted steadily in their favour. There were Jews who had come to Palestine to die and be buried in the Holy Land, others who had immigrated to Palestine to escape persecution, and there were also Zionists who had immigrated to Palestine in order to build a new Hebrew society which they wished would be, as Dr Chaim Weizmann, a Zionist and chemist at Manchester University, put it, ‘as Jewish as England is English or America is American’.
- Jews buy off the land.
Avoda Ivrit.
-The Balfour Declaration of 1917 (dated 2 November 1917)
""His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
- Fight breaks out 1920, 1921, 1929
-The British government suggests that Palestine be partitioned between Arabs and Jews 7 July 1937
(Jews accept the proposal, Arabs of Palestine reject it)
-In the summer of 1939, with increasing tension in Palestine, the British summoned
an Arab–Jewish conference to try and sort out their differences; but the conference
quickly broke down. The British government then imposed its own solution,
expressed in a White Paper of May 1939 stating that a final batch of 75,000 Jews
was to be admitted to Palestine between 1939 and 1944, and that, after this, further
entry of Jews would be subject to Arab approval. Additionally, it empowered the
High Commissioner of Palestine to prohibit the sale of land by Arabs to Jews in
specified areas. The White Paper caused an uproar among the Jews, who turned on
the British and accused them of retreating from previous pledges. Here without
doubt the British government had miscalculated, for they were imposing restrictions
on Jewish immigration to Palestine at a time when Jews in Europe were the first
targets of the Nazis. As a result of the White Paper, the Jewish underground
organizations, including Irgun but mainly the small but violent Lehi (the so called
‘Stern Gang’), viciously attacked the British in Palestine and in less than two years
rendered the mandate unworkable.
PICTURE THAT! hahahahaha.
Ow, fucking heavy too.
-‘The Palestine question’ was put on the agenda of the UN, whose assembly met
on 28 April and on 15 May to discuss the matter. It then decided to appoint a
special committee, called UNSCOP, to investigate conditions in Palestine and
decide what recommendations should be made to Britain as Mandatory Power.
-1947 the UN partition plan.
-1947 Arab armies of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Transjordan and a
contingent force from Saudi Arabia attactks the heart of the Jewish state and the lands allotted to the Palestinians by UN in November 1947.
The reason why the Arabs lost
i.e.) Jordan's king Abdullah more concerned with the land west of the river Jordan, not the destroyal of Israel.
2. Underestimation of the Jews
reference: Bregman - Israel's wars
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