jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

From Jennifer Michael Hecht's blog "Dear fonzie"

"In the practical, it's not ideal to post a poem and then hope it finds a journal home, to post is to publish to a degree. whereas after publishing a poem somewhere, posting it is fine too. So for efficiency, why not only post poems that have been published, and save the sweet young things at home? Because sometimes something new gets stuck in my head and I just want to say it out loud and show it to friends so much that I sacrifice its future upon my desire. What desire? I wonder, and guess it is a desire for communion."

I adore Jennifer Michael Hecht's blog. It's genuine, green friendly and.. tangible.
Anyway this new blog entry from her blog got me wondering about the purpose of sharing.

Can you truly say that it's all about "the communion" or is some of it our desperation to be recognized? is recognition part of the communion? and if so, should that recognition be considered selfish? Am I treating the concept of communion to be idealistically holy like there shouldn't be any selfish interest in the act of communion? Is it truly in our human nature to act according to our self-interest?

Does all this come from our childhood habit of being praised on every accomplishment by our parents? Does this mean, the more the child is praised, the more recognition she/he will look for in the act of communion during their adulthood?
or is it that everyone (regardless of his childhood)looks for praise and recognition through the communion but the level of emotional satisfaction they receive varies depending on their childhood experience? or is it the need for such praise that gets affected?

Or can it be that your jealousy towards your brother who was praised more than you during your child, caused your desperate need to be recognized in the communion?

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