jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2009


- In 1912, Benito Mussolini comes into the spotlight as the leader
of the Italian Socialist Party’s radical wing opposing the cooperation with Giolitti and his Libyan war (and remains neutral in the Great War)

- In 1915 he joins the Interventionist movement, where he meets Futurists, radical nationalists, and conservative Liberals. (starts siding with the nationalists. Nation > class)

- Never loses his moral dislike for the political and business establishments.

- Convinces himself that nationalism will produce a movement able to rid of bourgeois liberalism.

- In 1915 Italy entered the war.

- The war exacerbates class and gender conflict class and gender conflict.

- Defeat at Caporetto in October 1917 belatedly galvanized public
opinion, permitting Italy to hold out for the rest of the war.

This was the context in which fascism became a mass movement.


Mussolini's Fascio di Combattimento, founded in Milan on 23 March 1919, recruited a
few ex-soldiers, syndicalists, and Futurists. Its programme combined nationalism with republicanism, anticlericalism, female suffrage, and social reform, the guiding idea being the mobilization of men and women, workers and employers, peasants and
landowners in a secular national community. Fascism polled hardly any votes in 1919, but in 1921, as working-class and peasant agitation reached its peak, it began to win recruits.

- Fascism took off in regions affected by agrarian unrest, where the youthful rural bourgeoisie began to join in large numbers. These sons of estate managers, small-town officials, and teachers, many of them veterans, saw in fascism a means to take upon themselves the task of fighting the Socialist and Catholic leagues. They won the support of many conservative small peasants and landless labourers, who agreed that the authorities were not protecting them from the left. Fascist squads (squadristi) began a violent campaign of intimidation against Catholics and especially Socialists, in which many hundreds were killed.

- By the end of 1922 Fascism possessed a quarter of a million members.

- Large landowners and big businessmen, who despaired of government support against strikers, provided encouragement and money.

- Fascists laughed at the feminine side of the bourgeoisie and castigated the idleness of it.

- Mussolini remained reluctant to cut all ties with the Socialists.

- Fascists set about forming unions of their own. They drew upon a pre-existing fund of conservatism amongst some peasants and workers, while carrotand-stick methods encouraged many more to join.

- Fascists did not condemn private property itself, so they were, in the
eyes of the wealthy, far better than the left.

- Conservatives were reassured when at the end of 1921 Fascism became an organized
party, the Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF), and embraced monarchism and liberal economics.

source: Passmore - fascism

Eye Contact Triggers Threat Signals In Autistic Children's Brains

Eye Contact Triggers Threat Signals In Autistic Children's Brains

"train autistic children to look at a person's eye region in a more strategic way, like when the person may not be looking directly at them"

"Imagine walking through the world and interpreting every face that looks at you as a threat, even the face of your own mother," Davidson adds. Scientists have in the past speculated that the amygdala - which has been implicated in certain anxiety and mood disorders - plays a role in autism, but the study directly supports that idea for the first time"

Well, every face IS a threat. Why are you staring at me like you want to snatch out all my veins and wrap them around your neck for your entertainment.

Speaking of veins,

New Year's Resolutions

Crap, it's 2010.

My New Year's Resolutions.

Hehe, my New Year's resolustions.. did you really think I would publicize them here.

Well, my happy New Year will be completely devoted to my studies(taking more lectures, etc). And this year, I hope to have a better relationship with my boyfriend. Or maybe I don't. Who knows, I'm relationship-destructive and we are fighting already. Well, I wish myself a very intellectually-satisfying year. And I wish you... ah.. a lot of money? women with big culos? whatever the hell you people chase after these days.


miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

No to nonanal and carbon dioxide


Culex mosquitoes like nonanal.

"Zain Syed found that nonanal (sounds like NAWN-uh-nawl) Hillarious touch is the powerful semiochemical that triggers the mosquitoes"

Chimps = Human - 3%


"The chimp network looks very much like the human one except there are a few transcription factors in different positions and with different connectivity," Stubbs said. "Those are of interest from the point of view that they signal a major gene regulatory shift between species, and this shift may help us explain some of the biological differences."

Well, figure out the differences quick, even them out, and interbreed. What's all this stalling about.

Why the fuck are you trying to elevate my cortisol level?

The dogs in multi-dog households started out with slightly higher cortisol levels, indicating they were already under more stress from living with other dogs


Gonad, I'm fucking stressed right now. Someday I will get the fuck up out of here and hide in Kenjegul Kubatova with Kyrgyz shepherds. You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Good. Go and spread your STDs in Europe.

By the way, I'm not trying to promote drug use with the song I posted (am about to post)in this entry. I'm just trying to make a point. "Look man you grown, just leave me alone, I'm in the zone. Call it a night, get stoned, and take that fat slut home
Just drink the drink, hit the dank, do some drugs, go kill yourself." Kuniva snatched those words right out of my mouth.

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

Weberian/Totalitarian - Fascism

1. Weberians blame the pre-industrial, or feudal, ruling class for the cause of fascism.
-landowners of Eastern Germany
-landowners of the Italian Po Valley
-Latifundists of Southern Spain
-the Japanese military caste

2. "These countries hadn't experienced a genuine bourgeois and liberal-democratic revolution in the 19th century."

3. "German and Italian elites led their countries to war in 1913 in the hope that patriotic fervor would permit them to crush their domestic enemies"

1. Invented by Italian Fascists to encapsulate their drive to nationalize the Italian masses. To incorporate them within a hierarchical, mobilized, militarized community serving the needs of Italy.
2. Had its day in the 50s and 60s
3. Your life is dictated by divine plan

*Modernization causes the breakdown of religious certainties, so they create substitute religions such as communism or fascism. ( or capitalism or anarchism or a jock clique, a homosexual club, Bantu tribe.)

4. In the 1970s, the concept of totalitarianism fell out of use.
(European-centered bullshit. Has anybody ever been to Asia? You reckon it's just a culture if it happens elsewhere besides Europe and Americas? This is not some silly ass culture. It's a serious problem.)

Marxism VS Fascism/Capitalism


*Modern society is divided into

A)The bourgeoisie/capitalists
: they own your ass

B)Petty bourgeoisie
: small business suckers/passed around like whores by capitalists

C)The working classes/proletariat.
: work like donkeys

Marxist approaches to fascism.
1. Fascism is all up in the capitalism's ass
2. Fascism in power is the open, terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, the most imperialistic elements of finance capitalism - Communist International in 1935
3. "Capitalists use the mass fascist movement to destroy socialism"
4. "Fascism is not a creation of the capitalists, it's a creation of the petty bourgeoisie which had grievances against big capital."
5. Once fascism in power, the labor movement destroyed, no longer needed by capitalists
6. territorial expansion and racism is a cunning plot to divert attention from the tensions between fascism's petty bourgeois and capitalist supporters.

Leon Trotsky begs to differ,

1. Bonapartism is different from fascist dictatorships.
2. State governs during the conflicts between workers and capitalists.
3. Bonapartism was not powerful enough to beat the left and thus less "dangerous."

Other Marxists (who wanted to input more flexibility into the theory in the 60s and 70s) insist that,

1. Petty bourgeoisie played a more autonomous role
2. Those petty fookas even opposed the interests of capitalists

What's wrong with these Marxist fookas's idea of Fascism.

1. It doesn't explain how fascism serves the interests of capitalism. (is this really hard to understand? it's easier to shove blind fookas into the pond than the ones with healthy eyes)
2. Why some capitalists that believe that fascism comformed to their interests and others did not.
3. How is capitalist defence related to the killing of the mentally ill in Nazi Germany and Italianization of fam names in South Tyrol (power, greed, greed and power, money and more money and self interest and money and money and pride and some more money)

Sourcey: Passmore-Fascism

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

Living Longer With Obesity Means Heavier Burden For Hospitals

Living Longer With Obesity Means Heavier Burden For Hospitals

The most hillarious thing about this report is not that it's subliminally telling obese people to go and kill themselves but that people who will react most sensitively to this report will be the anorexic patients who are also suffering from major depression.

Now let's sit back and watch the suicide rates go up.

Speaking of suicide,

*Interesting facts
1.Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world.
2.East Asian countries have the highest female suicide rates.

Women Tend to Have Better Sense of Touch Due to Smaller Finger Size


Interesting story, sensationally misleading title.

Orchids' sexual trickery explained: Leads to more efficient pollinating system

Orchids' sexual trickery explained: Leads to more efficient pollinating system

Orchids that got a thing for wasps.

sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Boys' And Girls' Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological

Boys' And Girls' Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological

The question is, is this something that comes with the package, or is it the after symptom?

Humans May Give Swine Flu To Pigs In New Twist To Pandemic

Humans May Give Swine Flu To Pigs In New Twist To Pandemic

Dirty humanoids!

Take off that mask.

Muslim woman 'told to take off veil' by bus driver in Australia
A Muslim woman has accused a Sydney bus driver of racism after he told her to take off her headscarf because it was against the law to wear it on board.

"As I was stepping onto the bus the driver said 'You can't get on the bus wearing your mask'," she told the Sydney Daily Telegraph newspaper.

she explained it was religious dress, the woman said the driver responded: "Sorry, it's the law."

"I told him it wasn't the law and he said 'You have to show me your face,'" she said.

"I said to him, 'There's no difference between me and that lady sitting there who chooses to not wear what I'm wearing'." Uhahahahaha relax, Muslim Rosa Parks.

The bus company, Hillsbus, said the driver was being questioned over the claims.

"We are investigating it and doing that as quickly as we can," a spokesman said. "We need to get to the bottom of it, work out what happened and what went on, and what we need to do about it."

Muslims make up about 1.7 per cent of Australia's heavily Christian population of almost 22 million, and religious tensions have run high in recent years.

Anti-Muslim sentiment flared on Sydney's southern Cronulla Beach in December 2005 when mobs of whites attacked Lebanese Australians there in a bid to "reclaim the beach"...


Village idiots VS religious suckers. It's either that I'm high on my delicious dark chocolate from Switzerland (no sexual implication intended), or this story is just fucking amusing. Imagine this blockhead telling the muslim princess to take off her mask. "g'day, tik off thaht mask, will ya, its no time to party!" It's too funny, I can't believe it. Take off that mask!

*The sexy, pentahedron shaped, dark chocolate I was eating while writing this is Toblerone.

And here's an interesting fact I found on the Toblerone's wiki page.
In 1995 it was revealed that the Swedish politician Mona Sahlin had bought, among other things, two bars of Toblerone using her Riksdag credit card. This became known as the Toblerone affair. Sahlin was forced to step down as a candidate for the post as Prime Minister. She returned to politics in 1998. - wikipedia Haha, kinda like the way Jay Severine crawled back on the radio after being suspended for calling Mexicans leeches and criminaliens. His "racist" rant wouldn't have been so funny if Severine wasn't a leech himself. Leech Severine knows how to attract listeners. ;)

Vean cabrones, echenle ladrillos cuando vean a ese "Severine" que es un atencion puto que le gusta hablar mierda sin darse cuenta de las consequencias que pueda brindarle a la sociedad tan ignorante y credula donde nos vivimos. Gente como el usa la "provocacion" como el medio para atraer mas oyentes. (porque ese Severine no tiene caracter, talento ni acotencimientos para atraer la gente solito) El apela a la emocion fuerte de la gente y naturalmente y como de siempre la gente idiota que construye la mayoria parte del mundo reaaciona sin pensar primero de que carajo esta hablando el. Pero el problema aqui no se trata de esa "attracion", el problema es el hecho que este tipo de personas DIFUNDEN el racismo y la ignorancia para obtener sus beneficios egoistos. Yo se que la violencia no es la solucion. Pero recuerdense que gente como el infectan la sociedad con la mas horrible enfermedad. LA IGNORANCIA!

The history of American health-care reform: newyorker.com

The history of American health-care reform: newyorker.com

I say, what's wrong with Prussianization of America? Go Super Germany!

In all seriousness, universal health insurance should be banned from the US. US is supposed to the epitome of "capitalism", "democracy" and "individualism", what's with all this sovietismo. Who cares about the poverty-stricken people, right? "they just lazy", like my student says. Someday this beautiful country will turn into the epitome of cynical schizoids and myopic hedonists. We shall see.

jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009


GOOD GRIEF! Britney Murphy is dead! She is the actress from the movie 8 mile and I probably watched that movie at least 3000 times when I was 14 (for I'm Eminem's female Stan). I'm very surprised, I remember telling my (boy)friend how much of an incompetent actress she is when he told me he watched her new movie "Ramen girl." Well, that is the cycle of life. You live, die and the world forgets you. Unless you are Jesus Christ, form a cult and make a holiday out of your birth. Merry Christmas!

A sexy woman in red attempts to rape Pope.


International / Europe
A Sexy Woman In Red Attempts To Violate Pope.
Published: December 25, 2009
An “unbalanced woman” jumped the barriers in St. Peter’s Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass, a Vatican spokesman said.

I apologize for the disturbances I might have caused last night.. but the Pope looked just sexy in his white robe... so forbidden, so enticing. I couldn't help myself.

Il estratto sotto e da http://www.tgcom.mediaset.it/?refresh_ce

Una donna ieri ha scavalcato le transenne e si è gettata su Benedetto XVI mentre si avvicinava all'altare. Il Papa è caduto, ma si è subito rialzato
Caduto anche il cardinale Roger Etchegaray, 87 anni, che sarà operato al femore. La donna, Susanna Maiolo, 25 anni, di nazionalità svizzera-italiana, è stata ricoverata in una struttura sanitaria. Aveva già tentato di abbracciare il Papa lo scorso anno. Ora è in una struttura psichiatrica.

Cosa mai? anche'io voglio un abbraccio.

С Рождеством

Last year this time around, I was in Rome, Italy. I was alone at home (my roommate was in Torino with her fiance and no, I don't have any friends) and there was firecracker noise coming from outside every two seconds. Roman air was painfully freezing and dry and I had splits all over my hands.

I felt miserable, just miserable. I crawled into my shitty, little bed and covered myself with at least 4 blankets and my roommate's wool coat. I wore 3 maglioni and a pair of jeans and gloves.

And that was my last year's Christmas.

This year?

It's very quiet. I'm sitting in a somewhat safe room, drinking water so leisurely and peacefully. Reading Russell, ecstatically enjoying it too.

Ah...silenzio. Silenzio d'oro.

Que delicia.

Oh my Russell

"In one sense it must be admitted that we can never prove the existence of things other than ourselves and our experiences. No logical absurdity results from the hypothsis that the world consists of myself and my thoughts and feelings and sensations, and that everything else is mere fancy. In dreams a very complicated world may seem to be present, and yet on waking we find it was a delusion; that is to say, we find that the sense-data in the dream do not appear to have corresponded with such physical objects as we should naturally infer from our sense-data. (It is true that, when the physical world is assumed, it is possible to find physical causes for the sense-data in dreams: a door banging, for instance, may cause us to dream of a naval engagement. But although, in this case, there is a physical cause for the sense-data, there is not a physical object
corresponding to the sense-data in the way in which an actual naval battle would
correspond.) There is no logical impossibility in the supposition that the whole of life is a dream, in which we ourselves create all the objects that come before us. But although this is not logically impossible, there is no reason whatever to suppose that it is true; and it is, in fact, a less simple hypothesis, viewed as a means of accounting for the facts of our own life, than the common-sense hypothesis that there really are objects independent of us, whose action on us causes our sensations."

He found a very tasty balance between idealism and practicality. Happy fucking Christmas. RUSSELL! RUSSELL! BERTRAND RUSSELL! Russell made my Christmas.

Who are you to assume

In daily life, we assume as certain many things which, on a closer scrutiny, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know what it is that we really may believe. In the search for certainty, it is natural to begin with our present experiences, and in some sense, no doubt, knowledge is to be derived from them. But any statement as to what it is that our immediate experiences make us know is very likely to be wrong. It seems to me that I am now sitting in a chair, at a table of a certain shape, on which I see sheets of paper with writing or print. By turning my head I see out of the window buildings and clouds and the sun. I believe that the sun is about ninety-three million miles from the earth; that it is a hot globe many times bigger than the earth; that, owing to the earth's rotation, it rises every morning, and will continue to do so for an indefinite time in the future. I believe that, if any other
normal person comes into my room, he will see the same chairs and tables and books and papers as I see, and that the table which I see is the same as the table which I feel.

Ths excerpt is from Russell's the problems of philosophy. I'm FEELING IT! which is something that never happens.

Salsa rica

BOY! I'm so "happy" right now. This is going to hurt later.

Salsa Sexy! Rico demais!

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009


What inferiority complex can do for/against people.

La cosa il complesso di inferiorità può fare per/contra la gente.

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

Leonardo and I - no.

Many will think they may reasonably blame me by alleging that my
proofs are opposed to the authority of certain men held in the
highest reverence by their inexperienced judgments; not considering
that my works are the issue of pure and simple experience, who is
the one true mistress. These rules are sufficient to enable you to
know the true from the false--and this aids men to look only for
things that are possible and with due moderation--and not to wrap
yourself in ignorance, a thing which can have no good result, so
that in despair you would give yourself up to melancholy.

- Leonardo da vinci

What a young-people thing to say. (Not that I'm old and dry like your.. ) I wonder how old he was when he wrote this.

A dormir afuera,

I have no idea how long I slept last night. Probably 2 or 3 hours. Couldn't sleep. Why?

1. My parrot screamed everytime I made a noise. (Holy fuck, questa frase suona sporca)-Meu louro gritou cada vez que eu fiz barulho.
(Ele dorme em meu cuarto comigo e nao posso o tirar afora por muitas razaoes que nao vou escrivir aqui)
2. My bedsheet was too hot and dry
Meus lençóis eram quentes e secas demais.
3. I'm at a cold war with Sergio but I'm not sure if that one counts. Because, callese.
Estou em uma guerra fria com Sergio mas nao sei se eso conta. To nem ai.
4. I ate too much before I went to bed.
Comei demais antes de ir a cama (comei um rolo de sushi)

E isso foi o exercicio de portugues de hoje.

This week is a salsa week. Ole this venezolano Pedro here on youtube has a VERY nice salsa collection on his page. Which is really impresionante porque yo soy muy quisquillosa y controladora con lo que yo escucho. E la sua collezione di salsa è quasi orgasmica!

PERO CARALHO Que rico!!!!!!! So I got my music intact now I need Marlboro red and some coffee.

Un lobito se hizo el presidente de honduras. se acabo!

El Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Honduras declaró este lunes al derechista Porfirio Lobo como presidente electo, tras su victoria en los comicios del 29 de noviembre, que aún no han sido reconocidos por buena parte de la comunidad internacional.

En una declaración transmitida por cadena de radio y televisión, el Tribunal confirmó a Lobo como el vencedor con el 56% de los sufragios.

Lobo, del Partido Nacional y quien apoyó el golpe de Estado de junio, obtuvo 1,2 millones de sufragios y debe asumir el gobierno el 27 de enero para un periodo de cuatro años, destacó AFP.

Las elecciones hondureñas no han sido reconocidas por buena parte de la comunidad internacional, debido a que fueron realizadas bajo el régimen de facto que asumió el 28 de junio.

-El Universal



Fonte: não lembro quem tirou este foto nem quero lembrar.

Voglio patate fritte o un hamburger di pollo und Ich muss Deutsches studieren.. carajo

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Why did it stop / Search for method - Sartre

"Marxism stopped. Precisely because this philosophy I wants to change the world, because its aim is “philosophy-becoming-the-world,” because it is and wants to be practical, there arose within it a veritable schism which rejected theory on one side and praxis on the other. From the moment the U.S.S.R., encircled and alone, undertook its gigantic effort at industrialisation, Marxism found itself unable to bear the shock of these new struggles, the practical necessities and the mistakes which are always inseparable from them. At this period of withdrawal (for the U.S.S.R.) and of ebb tide (for the revolutionary proletariats), the ideology itself was subordinated to a double need: security (that is, unity) and the construction of socialism inside the U.S.S.R.

Concrete thought must be born from praxis and must turn back upon it in order to clarify it, not by chance and without rules, but-as in all sciences and all techniques-in conformity with principles. Now the Party leaders, bent on pushing the integration of the group to the limit, feared that the free process of truth, with all the discussions and all the conflicts which it involves, would break the unity of combat; they reserved for themselves the right to define the line and to interpret the event. In addition, out of fear that the experience might not provide its own clarities, that it might put into question certain of their guiding ideas and might contribute to “weakening the ideological struggle,” they put the doctrine out of reach.

The separation of theory and practice resulted in transforming the latter into an empiricism without principles; the former into a pure, fixed knowledge. On the other hand, the economic planning imposed by a bureaucracy unwilling to recognise its mistakes became thereby a violence done to reality. And since the future production of a nation was determined in offices, often outside its own territory, this violence had as its counterpart an absolute idealism. Men and things had to yield to ideas-a priori; experience, when it did not verify the predictions, could only be wrong. Budapest's subway was real in Rakosi's head. If Budapest's subsoil did not allow him to construct the subway, this was because the subsoil was counter-revolutionary. Marxism, as a philosophical interpretation of man and of history, necessarily had to reflect the preconceptions of the planned economy.

This fixed image of idealism and of violence did idealistic violence to facts. For years the Marxist intellectual believed that he served his party by violating experience, by overlooking embarrassing details, by grossly simplifying the data, and above all, by conceptualising the event before having studied it. And I do not mean to speak only of Communists, but of all the others — fellow travellers, Trotskyites, and Trotsky sympathisers — for they have been created by their sympathy for the Communist Party or by their opposition to it. On November 4, 1956, at the time of the second Soviet intervention in Hungary, each group already had its mind made up before it possessed any information on the situation. It had decided in advance whether it was witnessing an act of aggression on the part of the Russian bureaucracy against the democracy of Workers' Committees, with a revolt of the masses against the bureaucratic system, or with a counter-revolutionary attempt which Soviet moderation had known how to check. Later there was news, a great deal of news; but I have not heard it said that even one Marxist changed his opinion.

Among the interpretations which I have just mentioned, there is one which shows the method in all its nakedness, that which reduces the facts in Hungary to a “Soviet act of aggression against the democracy of Workers' Committees. It is obvious that the Workers' Committees are- a democratic institution; one can even maintain that they bear within them the future of the socialist society. But this does not alter the fact that they did not exist in Hungary at the time of the first Soviet intervention; and their appearance during the Insurrection was much too brief and too troubled for us to be able to speak of an organised democracy. No matter. There were Workers' Committees, Soviet intervention took place. Starting from there, Marxist idealism proceeds to two simultaneous operations: conceptualisation and passage to the limit. They push the empirical notion to the perfection of the type, the germ to its total development. At the same time they reject the equivocal givens of experience; these could only lead one astray. We will find ourselves then in the presence of a typical contradiction between two Platonic ideas: on the one side, the wavering policy of the U.S.S.R. gave way to the rigorous and predictable action of that entity, “the Soviet Bureaucracy”; on the other side, the Workers' Committees disappeared before that other entity, “the direct Democracy.” I shall call these two objects “general particularities”; they are made to pass for particular, historical realities when we ought not to see in them anything more than the purely formal unity of abstract, universal relations. The process of making them into fetishes will be complete when each one is endowed with real powers: the Democracy of Workers' Committees holds within itself the absolute negation of the Bureaucracy, which reacts by crushing its adversary."


I love how this video starts with a screaky noise in the very beginning. It sounds like somebody banged his head against a microphone just for the hell of it. It's probably Jimmy who did it. "El terrible Jimmy" ahi dice en el video. Jajajajaja (or rsrsrsrs como dizem os brasileiros)

En mi caso, quiero que todo el mundo me llore si me muero maniana. Que me lloren un rio y que se hundan en ese mismo rio que han llorado por mi. Ehhh si me muero manianaaa si me muero maniana!

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

I may have a crush on Diego Buñuel from the "don't tell my mother I'm in _________" series.

(Update)I think I'm in love.
(Update)Meh, "don't tell my mother I'm in Iran" episode sucked. So you know what that means. It's ova! Se acabo!

Why do I ask why

For those who do not know the real causes of things confuse everything, and without the least mental repugnance they picture trees no less than men as speaking, and imagine men to be formed from stones no less than from seed, and any forms to be changed into any other forms whatsoever. So also those who confuse divine with human nature easily attribute human passions to God, more especially if they do not know how passions are produced in the mind. But if men would give heed to the nature of substance they would by no means doubt. - Spinoza, ethics

According to this man,
To be able not to exist is want of power, and on the other hand, to be able to exist is power (as is self-evident).
What the carajo led him to believe that non-existence equals desire of power. And where is the proof to believe that existence is power? Well, I say it's the opposite. To exist = to be powerless. Not to exist = to be powerful. That ought to make me the philosopher of the century. (Some dickhead(s) might have said this before me though)

Well, OK. I can not read this shit. I wanted to give it a try but I can't. It's just ridiculous. His process of thinking is completely illogical. And he's building up his shit using the excerpt above as the foundation.(which I clearly disagree with, or can not understand for he doesn't provide any sensible explanation for his obscure ideas).

See, now I'm frustrated and I'm drinking again. How incredibly nerdy and pompous would be of me to order a shirt that says "Spinoza made me drink again." Just as nerdy as the time I tried to invent my own language. It's been 9 years, I should have kept working on it.I would have been fluent in my own very special language by now. Well, I'm still young and fearless so I might as well just give it a try again.

*If you want to learn about a god, or gods or the god or the "God" or the oh my gawd or oh my gawt, read Putois by Anatole France, and THINK.

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

fodor/conceptual atomism

Semantic properties of a mental representation depend.

Upon the computational relations.


And.. what constitutes the computational relations?

*Water =H2O -> It is possible to have the concept WATER and not have the concept H2O - Inferential relations


No, no How is the concept of H2O different from the concept of acqua? Ya nye ponimayoo.

Good grief, I'm so scared of sleeping. Nah, no es dormir de lo que tengo miedo.. es vivir! asi mismo, cabrones.

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

The importance of fear in group manipulation

These wars (and we must include preparations for war, even when there was no resulting conflict) cost a fortune and caused great damage, suffering and sorrow to the Israeli people (as it did to the Arabs); but they also proved to be the bond – the very cement – which kept the Israelis together. For, especially during the first decades of the state, Israel was the gathering place of Jewish immigrants from the four corners of the earth, and rather than a homogeneous society it was an assembly of communities and diverse people, some of whom were still ‘adding up the grocery bill in Arabic; others dream[ing] in Yiddish and singing to their children lullabies in English or Russian’. It was the transformation of these people into a nation-in-arms, and the establishment of a military system where almost every citizen – male and female – was a trained soldier and a reservist, that transformed the Israeli-born Sabra, the orthodox Jew from New York, the scientist from London, the silversmith from Yemen, the lawyer from Egypt and the small shopkeeper from Morocco – from individuals into a society and a nation. And above all, what kept this Israeli organism together and helped rally Israelis round the flag and its leadership, was a deep sense of external danger and the fear that the Arabs intended and would try to destroy Israel, and that to cope with this problem Israelis must stick together and take up arms whenever its leadership requested them to do so. As Abba Eban, an intelligent and well informed eyewitness, wrote in his book My Country: ‘The Israeli scene is often turbulent, contentious and effervescent but when danger threatens ... the ranks tighten’.
- Israel's wars, Bregman

And all this for what?

People and their passive desire to be accepted, be supported and be denied of their most basic freedom.

KING HUSSEIN: From a very very sensitive source in Syria, that we have had
information from in the past and passed it on, in terms of preparations and
plans, actually all the units that were meant to be in training and were
prepared to take part in this Syrian action are now, as of the last two days or
so, in position of pre-attack. That were meant to be part of the plan, except
for one minor modification – the 3rd division is meant also to cater for any
possible Israeli movement through Jordan on their flank. That includes their
aircraft, their missiles and everything else, that is out on the front at this
stage. Now this had all come under the guise of training but in accordance
with the information we had previously, these are the pre-jump positions and
all the units are now in these positions. Whether it means anything or not,
nobody knows. But I have my doubts. However, one cannot be sure. One
must take those as facts.
GOLDA MEIR: Is it conceivable that the Syrians would start something without
full cooperation with the Egyptians?
KING HUSSEIN: I don’t think so. I think they would cooperate.

Bregman - Israel's wars

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009


I was supposed to start writing my research essay today. But instead! I started to learn German, so spent the whole day doing that. How fucked up is this, I can't stop starting new projects. And I know exactly why. But I convince myself(will keep doing so) that It's all bacano and productive - It makes me smart each day. And who really cares about your sappy side, except your mommy. Il mio ragazzo is upset with me now because I didn't give him the type of assurance that he needs now and then. But today I just do not want to do it, today I don't want to make people happy. It's cold, my room is cold, my feet are cold, and I'm lifeless and unloving but why do I care. Actually I care about the fact that I don't care. I'm scared of the fact that I don't care. I may even feel sorry that I don't care. And I am indeed sorry that I don't care. I may even wish that I cared. But I just don't care. Sniff me and tell me if I still smell like one of your kind. Please say yes and push me off the edge.

This is the video I took when I was in Germany.. this right here is called romantic realism.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Postwar Israel

What became crystal clear in the post-1967 war period was that Israeli society was essentially a diverse, turbulent organism which tended to have a monolithic aspect only when facing urgent external danger. And this is precisely what made the 1967 war such a turning point in the life of the Israeli nation and society. For while the war seemed to remove a great external danger to Israel – whose cities were now far from the front – it also, ironically, removed the cement which had kept the people of Israel together.

What about now?

*2009 Conflict within Israel

Heredi Judaism VS The state/secular Israelis
- Ultra-orthodox Jews(Haredi Jews) are subsidized by the state(ODD!), but they refuse to do the military service(all Israelis are required to do 2 years in the army) and rebel against the government interference.
- They make up 12 % of the Jewish population
- Sex segregation
- Some extreme Haredi Jews do not recognize the state of Israel for it was built by men and not by God. "Young Haredi men should not fight in the army because the Jewish state shouldn't exist until the Messiah returns."

And of course, Jews VS Palestinians.
"God told us to multiply and fill the land." - A Haredi Jew from Modi'in Ilit

Well, guess what. How ironic is this, you see MY GOD told me that I'm the owner of all potatoes in Israel. So no more latkas for you, Jewish peeps.

How cool is this

I'm not feeling the interior decoration though. It looks like it reeks of seaweed. And what's with the floor? They could have put some more carpets there to make it cozier. And it better not be chilly inside, the world evolves around me and I can't sleep in cold places.

Cold war/Israel-Arab

"13 May 1967, the date on which Anwar el-Sadat, speaker of the Egyptian parliament, was on an official visit to Moscow. When the visit was over Sadat was seen off at Moscow airport by Vladimir Semnov, the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, and it was then that Sadat heard from Semnov that according to Soviet intelligence, ‘Ten Israeli
brigades had been concentrated on the Syrian border’ ready to strike at Syria; in
Cairo the same message was delivered to President Nasser by the Soviet ambassador.

Israel, as everyone now knows, did not move any forces to its border with Syria,
and it is widely acknowledged that the Soviet report, which for a long time has
been one of the most puzzling features of the run-up to the 1967 war, was false. An
explanation of Soviet motives in issuing a false report is now possible, thanks to
recent testimonies of such people as Evgeny Pyrlin, head of the Egypt department
in the Soviet foreign ministry at the time the report was released. According to
Pyrlin the reason why this crucial and most damaging report was issued was because
the Soviets wanted to spark a war between Israel and its Arab neighbours, believing
that even if the war was not won by our [the Arab] side a war would be to our
political advantage because our side would demonstrate its ability to fight
with our weapons and with our military and political support.

FUCKING HILLARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, I do not know who Evgeny Pyrlin is, and thus, I'm not going to take this at face value.

- Bregman, Israel's wars

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009


I'm an internet user and I have been so for quite a long time. And recently I've noticed the increased amount of the activity called "trolling" on the internet. Troll, according to Wikipedia, means "...a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

A while ago, I read an incredibly mysogynistic comment written by an internet user in reply to a woman who had made a comment which, in my opinion, was completely innocent.(No, it wasn't me!) Soon the woman replied with her own emotional comment. And the user who made the mysogynistic comment mockingly responded to her with, "You have been trolled, dumb ass."

This right here is a great example of the schizoid/histronic tendency in "common" people. Jumping from personality to another, and address somewhat hyperbolized ideas that they secretly agree with, however wish they didn't, and deny the responsiblity by dissociating themselves from it.

Why do they do this?

They are not capable of distinguishing what they agree with and what they don't. For they lack a set of moral values that they should have learned to build themselves. They do not understand the concept of identity. Neither are they intellectually capable of recognizing such deficiency. Which results in "not doing anything about it" namely the persistent ignorance lasting for the rest of their lives.

They imagine that they can immediately dissociate themselves from whatever irresponsible remarks they make whenever they need to deal with the "responsibility." To affirm this( this attempt to "affirm", itself proves that these individuals are suffering from the sense of insecurity, guilt, the uncertainty which also goes to show that the offender subconsciously understands what he is doing, and yet in the future, when the responsibility is laid upon him, he will deny and reject this completely), they may attempt to come up with more outrageous ideas to offend people. And feel the delusional pride that they have achieved insulting someone without being the one responsible for the insult. On the other hand, to avoid the secret guilt, he may turn the responsibilty around and insist upon the insulted individual for having paid attention to his idea.

Also, considering that trolling is an attention seeking behavior, it must be addressed that these individuals may suffer from chronic loneliness. For these individuals are not particularly "interesting" or "original" enough to grasp others' attention, they find other means attract them - by setting people's houses on fire.
Of course, the only difference between the real life arsonists and the trolls would be that arsonists take responsibility for their crime. (by that I mean, they understand the simple concept that the house is burning because they started the fire), whilst trolls imagine that they can mutate and jump from one character to another by dissociation. (by disowning the responsibility)

In conclusion, if you are trolling on the internet, you are just demonstrating to the world that you are miserable and that you have a self-hatred problem. And if you "feel what I'm saying" and desire to improve your mental health, just send me an email and I will be more than happy to consult you. Or maybe I won't, maybe I will react emotionally like that woman, track you down and "accidently" murder you and your whole family.

Palestinian incursions

These incursions, especially in the early 1950s, were not, however, aimed at reoccupying the land these people had lost a few years earlier, but rather at returning to villages and homes in order to collect possessions and crops in abandoned fields, and also to steal from Israeli farms.

To steal fom Israeli farms! IMAGINATE! I always enjoy these little turns of events. They are very entertaining.

Bregman - Israel's wars

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

The strategic importance of the ancient state of Palestine

- It provided a bridge from Asia to Africa – a junction for traffic crossing from the south (Egypt) to the north (the highlands of Hittite Anatolia), to the east (Mesopotamian Anatolia) and to the west (Cyprus).

- It has been the battleground for military campaigns, invasions by the pharaohs, the kinds of Assyria, Babylon and Persia, Alexander the Great, the emperors of Byzantium, the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Mamelukes and the Turks.

- British forces during the First World War took it from the Turks,
who had ruled this land ever since Sultan Selim I occupied it in 1517.

- The British rule lasted from 1917 to 1948.

- The Jews claim that the rocky land of Palestine which they called Eretz Yisrael was their traditional and spiritual home, one promised by God to Abraham and ‘to
posterity’. (they also felt that Eretz Yisrael was their only safe haven after years of persecutions and endless pogroms in their native countries.)

- The Arabs of Palestine also regarded Palestine as their rightful home,
for ‘posterity’, as they saw it, also included themselves, since they were the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s son by his concubine Ketirah.

Fucking hillarious.

- The Arabs of Palestine, on the other hand, resented the idea that they, the majority of whom were Muslims with no tradition of anti-Semitism, had to pay the price for evils committed against the Jews by others, often within European Christendom.

- They also argued that in contrast with the Jews, who had been moving in and out
of Palestine and had always been the minority in this land, they – the Arabs – had
never abandoned the land, and had for hundreds of years constituted the majority
of its population. This was true, (WHAT THE CARAJO? Jews never "abandoned" the land, they were forced to leave over and over by Romans, the Babylonians, Assyrians, etc. It's so sad when an author loses my credit from the very beginning like this) but as the years passed and Jews continued to arrive in Palestine, the demographic scales tilted steadily in their favour. There were Jews who had come to Palestine to die and be buried in the Holy Land, others who had immigrated to Palestine to escape persecution, and there were also Zionists who had immigrated to Palestine in order to build a new Hebrew society which they wished would be, as Dr Chaim Weizmann, a Zionist and chemist at Manchester University, put it, ‘as Jewish as England is English or America is American’.

- Jews buy off the land.
Avoda Ivrit.

-The Balfour Declaration of 1917 (dated 2 November 1917)
""His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

- Fight breaks out 1920, 1921, 1929

-The British government suggests that Palestine be partitioned between Arabs and Jews 7 July 1937
(Jews accept the proposal, Arabs of Palestine reject it)

-In the summer of 1939, with increasing tension in Palestine, the British summoned
an Arab–Jewish conference to try and sort out their differences; but the conference
quickly broke down. The British government then imposed its own solution,
expressed in a White Paper of May 1939 stating that a final batch of 75,000 Jews
was to be admitted to Palestine between 1939 and 1944, and that, after this, further
entry of Jews would be subject to Arab approval. Additionally, it empowered the
High Commissioner of Palestine to prohibit the sale of land by Arabs to Jews in
specified areas. The White Paper caused an uproar among the Jews, who turned on
the British and accused them of retreating from previous pledges. Here without
doubt the British government had miscalculated, for they were imposing restrictions
on Jewish immigration to Palestine at a time when Jews in Europe were the first
targets of the Nazis. As a result of the White Paper, the Jewish underground
organizations, including Irgun but mainly the small but violent Lehi (the so called
‘Stern Gang’), viciously attacked the British in Palestine and in less than two years
rendered the mandate unworkable.

PICTURE THAT! hahahahaha.

Ow, fucking heavy too.

-‘The Palestine question’ was put on the agenda of the UN, whose assembly met
on 28 April and on 15 May to discuss the matter. It then decided to appoint a
special committee, called UNSCOP, to investigate conditions in Palestine and
decide what recommendations should be made to Britain as Mandatory Power.

-1947 the UN partition plan.

-1947 Arab armies of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Transjordan and a
contingent force from Saudi Arabia attactks the heart of the Jewish state and the lands allotted to the Palestinians by UN in November 1947.

The reason why the Arabs lost
i.e.) Jordan's king Abdullah more concerned with the land west of the river Jordan, not the destroyal of Israel.
2. Underestimation of the Jews

reference: Bregman - Israel's wars

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

The Evil Eyes

It is natural to expect that any group with access to power will construct an ideology that justifies its dominance on grounds of the general welfare.

retrieved from Chomsky - Philosophers and public philosophy p.5

That's right. Babylonian Brotherhood IS dominating 7000 billion people living in this world. In fact, the members of Babylonian Brotherhood are reptoids. They do black magics rituals to hypnotize the human beings. Am I right, David Icke? Fucking hillarious. David Ike, this guy is either the master of metaphor/crowd control, or a fucking attention whore that needs to be locked up in a castle from the 120 days of Sodom and pair up with the Bishop(l’Évêque). No actually, he's both, so throw a brick at him whenever you see him walking around outside.

"The same analytical approach that seeks to explore the nature of scientific theories in general or the structure of some particular domain of knowledge or to investigate the concept of a human action can be turned to the study of the technology of control and manipulation that goes under the name of "behavioral science" and that serves as the basis for the ideology of the "new mandarins."
retrieved from Chomsky - Philosophers and public philosophy p.6

Aw papi, are you scared?

The fact of matter is that behaviorism always works and the only way to stop people from knowing about this beautiful "philosophy" is to keep them in line with their religion, spiritual beliefs, ethics and whatever the fuck that floats their boat. Like any other power addicted individuals, this is the very reason why I support religions.


Source: Wikipedia

1. Manchu tribes conquer China.
2. They replace the Ming dynasty with the Qing.
3. The emperors fail to integrate their homeland into China.
(why? and how?)
4. The legal/ ethnic division persists.
5. The Qing dynasty starts falling apart in the 1800s.
6. The power of the court in Beijing weakens.
7. In 1858, Russia gains nominal control over Outer Manchuria. (Supplementary Treaty of Beijing).
8. Russia makes further efforts to take control over the rest of Manchuria.
9. Inner Manchuria comes under strong Russian influence in the 1890s with the building of the Chinese Eastern Railway through Harbin to Vladivostok.
10.Russo-Japanese War 1904-05
11.Japanese influence replaces Russia's in Inner Manchuria

Yeah... just pass China around like Kim Kardishan's ass.

12.Japan builds the South Manchurian Railway to Port Arthur.
13.Between World War I and World War II Manchuria becomes a political and military battleground between Russia, Japan, and China.
(I believe this was the same case for Korea)
13. Japan moves into outer Machuria as a result of 1917 Russian Revolution chaos.
14. Outer Manchuria returns to Soviet control by 1925 because of Soviet military successes and American economic pressure.
15. During the warlord period in China, the warlord Zhang Zuolin established himself in Inner Manchuria with Japanese backing. Later the Japanese Kantogun found him too independent and assassinated him in 1928.
16. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931.
(Whatever happened to the soviet successes and american pressure?)
17. Japanese militarists create a Japanese-aligned puppet state.
18. The last Emperor of China Puyi was invited to act as the head of state for Manchuria. (Puyi was nothing more than a figurehead and real authority rested in the hands of the Japanese military officials. )

19. On 18 February 1932 the State of Manchuria was proclaimed and recognized by Japan on 16 September 1932. The city of Changchun, renamed Xinjing became the capital of the new entity.

How funky! I wonder what the Chinese think of Manchukuo now. Shameful history of China everyone is trying to forget? Evidence of Japanese Barbarianism?

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

C Днем Рождения! Pozdravlyayu!

Amanha is my cumpleanno, cabrones! Time to lament! XD

As self-centered and friend-less I am, I will floor the whole blog with birthday videos tomorrow.. starting now.

You know how I roll, Russian first.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009


Case by case, we find that conformity is the easy way, and the path
to privilege and prestige; dissidence carries personal costs that may be
severe, even in a society that lacks such means of control as death
squads, psychiatric prisons, or extermination camps. The very structure
of the media is designed to induce conformity to established doctrine. In
a three-minute stretch between commercials, or in seven hundred
words, it is impossible to present unfamiliar thoughts or surprising
conclusions with the argument and evidence required to afford them
some credibility. Regurgitation of welcome pieties faces no such
problem. - chomsky

ohhh markets!

Western governments have used market mechanisms to regulate popular perspectives and sentiments. The “marketplace of ideas,” built during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, effectively disseminates the beliefs and ideas of the upper classes while subverting the ideological and cultural independence of the lower classes.
Through the construction of this marketplace, western governments forged firm and enduring links between socioeconomic position and ideological power, permitting upper
classes to use each to buttress the other … In the United States, in particular, the ability of the upper and upper-middle classes to dominate the marketplace of ideas has generally allowed these strata to shape the entire society’s perception of political reality and the range of realistic political and social possibilities. While westerners usually equate the marketplace with freedom of opinion, the hidden hand of the market can be almost as potent an instrument of control as the iron fist of the state.

- Benjamin Ginsberg.

Dude... What do you mean "Western governments"? It's not JUST the Western "capitalistic" governments that are manipulative sadists. The Eastern governments, Southern governments, Northern governments, communist governments, hillybilly governments, homosexual governments. Angry people selling ideas to the weak to gain power, that shit is as old as water.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Olhos nos olhos

Un pouco de música para consolar a mais vulnerável..

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

Empirical Psychoanalysis VS Existential Psychoanalysis

1.Both kinds(empirical/existential) of psychoanalysis pay attention to the
symbols of the fundamental. Which constitutes an individual.
2.Both consider that there are no primary givens such as hereditary dispositions, character, etc.
3.they look for the meaning, orientation, and adventures of people's history. (no clownin' with the prosaic static)

Existential psychoanalysis

1. IT recognizes nothing before the original upsurge of human freedom. What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Upsurge of human freedom? Original upsurge of human freedom? Death? Huggies diapers? A drawer full of cockroaches? old socks?
2. Looks for the original choice

Empirical psychoanalysis

1. It holds that the original affectivity of the individual is virgin wax before its history. The libido is nothing besides its concrete fixations, save for a permanent possibility of fixing anything whatsoever upon anything whatsoever.(individuals are born with coy and backward emotions and the only reason why you are homosexual is because your libido got its eyes on individuals with spermatozoa, me no kiddin' this really is my interpretation, good grief he pisses me off)
2. Looks for complex

*Laugh out loud. What the CARAJO made him think that empirical psychoanalysts do not look for "original choice" when looking for "complex"? To discover how something became what it is today, which is what ALL psychoanalysts try to do(although the majority of them fail miserably, dumb asses), you need to learn all the intimate details. And that does NOT exclude "original choice." Funny shit. Does he think that empirical psychoanalysts intentionally leave out the process of looking for the original choice because that's the work of existential psychoanalysts? "So you are saying that.. you were 9 and you wanted to entertain your friend.. Oh wait, man.. I think I'm onto your original choice here. That's not my job. I will send you off to an existential psychoanalyst I know...Her name is Ulfuraka fudgemaker..her office is located in...


"Yet this responsibility is of a very particular type. Someone will say, "I did not ask to be born." This is a naive way of throwing greater emphasis on our facticity. I am responsible for everything, in fact, except for my very responsibility, for I am not the foundation of my being. Therefore everything takes place as if I were compelled to be responsible. I am abandoned in the world, not in the sense that I might remain abandoned and passive in a hostile universe like a board floating on the water, but rather in the sense that I find myself suddenly alone and without help, engaged in a world for which I bear the whole responsibility without being able, whatever I do, to tear myself away from this responsibility for an instant. For I am responsible for my very desire of fleeing responsibilities. To make myself passive in the world, to refuse to act upon things and upon Others is still to choose myself, and suicide is one mode among others of being-in-the-world. Yet I find an absolute responsibility for the fact that my facticity (here the fact of my birth) is directly inapprehensible and even inconceivable, for this fact of my birth never appears as a brute fact but always across a projective reconstruction of my for-itself. I am ashamed of being born or I am astonished at it or I rejoice over it, or in attempting to get rid of my life I affirm that I live and I assume this life as bad."

Existentialism and Human Emotions - Jaen Paul Sartre

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009


People sometimes tell me, "I wish I had your talent", "you have talent in eating that peanut butter sandwich."

I understand that people say all that mumbojumbo with nice and flattering intentions. But to me that is just completely insulting and pejorative.

Let me open my dictionary and look for the definition of the word "talent."

Talent: natural endowment or ability of a superior quality. - farlex dic.

How funny is this.

Now what would happen if I ask these people who use the word "talent" in their every day language, if they are eugenicists? First they would ask me what the eugenics is and once I explain to them what it is, they would flush with anger, go home to their wives and beat them up like there's no tomorrow or burn down a school full of bunnies (I stole this idea from Family Guy).

Whilst I believe in brain malfunctions, which sometimes produce incompetent "geniuses, savants" like Kim Peek, I do not believe in such thing as "natural ability."

If I'm good at something, it's because I work fucking hard for it(and also the environment factor). While you are out doing Tequila shots at a club, I'm at a library, reading. While you are out ridin' low with your homies, I'm home learning to play musical instruments. While you are out with your friends gossiping about the latest trend, I'm home studying languages. Then you tell me that it's all just "talent"?

Isn't that amazing? that one actually needs to make sacrifices and work hard towards the goal to be good at something?

Perhaps when you say the word "talent", you do not necessarily mean the "innate ability". In fact, "Having natural ability" or "choosing to be good at something" may even sound the same to you. You are(choose to be) incapable of understanding anything more profound than your basic instincts and the immediate things you see or hear. You never stop and brood over the meaning of words that come out of your mouth. You'd rather that other people talk for you, and think for you. So you sit on your ass in front of TV every night and scream that Tiger Woods is a son of bitch just because that's what the media constantly tells you. You may even use a proverb or two to describe the situation. Which, of course, are usually empty in meaning and inappropriate with the reality but you immediately predict their value to be high for the longevity of them. You never stop to wonder if whatever Tiger Woods does in his private life is actually any of your business or any of the proverbs you use are actually consistent and sensible.

And that, sweetheart is, precisely the reason why I don't take you seriously or say "thank you" when you compliment me on my "talent."

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Pictures of world leaders

I just spent.. I don't know how long, looking at Platon's pictures of world leaders and listening to his commentary on the New Yorker website. It was completely worth it and very very entertaining.

My favorite portraits: Silvio Berlusconi, Muammar Quaddafi


*I also think it's hillarious that when I click on the "order by gender" button, female leaders come up first. Shrewd stuff.

Platon and the New Yorker (I imagine) own this picture.

I've just "finished" watching a documentary film called "Inside Islam".
The following are the comments I made during the film.

1. "The largest population of Muslims live in Asia". Of course here she forgot to mention that by Asia, she means SOUTH ASIA. - PAKISTAN, INDIA, BANGLADESH, INDONESIA. Why do I make this distinction? I don't know, perhaps Asia is the biggiest continent in the world? I don't know, perhaps Asia is the most culturally/ethnically diverse continent in the world? I don't know, perhaps it's just fucking outrageous and sensational to say "most Muslims live in Asia"? "Wow, what a shocker! I've always thought Muslims were Arabs but now I realize Most Muslims are Asian!". Get a grip. The chick (Mogahad) is from the States, and she KNOWS that when people in general (this does not include the Brits, Aussies or Kiwis or whatever they call themselves. Brit townies) think of Asians, the first thing that comes to their mind is a picture of North East Asians, the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese with their slanted eyes, Hentai and what not. So if you want to say "the majority of Muslims live in Asia", mention the fucking names of your beloved countries. Moving on.


2. Now I'm watching the part about the world trade center collapse. Of course, we all saw that coming. and Naturally this woman is making a comment about how shocked she was to see the towers falling. All so predictable. "Please...God.... Let.. this.. Not.. Be... Muslims", says she.

3. Now they are showing a picture of a hot firefighter.
4. She says she is coming at this research as a scientist, a mother, a woman, an American and a Muslim. This is hillarious. She's basically stating that this film is going to be a baised one. I remember this scene from Fam guy where Brokeback Mountain is seen from a horse's persepective. - two horses chilling by the tent(where Jake and Heath are). One horse gets curious and peeps inside the tent, the moment he sticks his head inside the tent, he gets freaked out and screams "run" to the other horse. And the two horses run away.

Can you read between the lines?

5. Now I'm looking at a good looking man who says he's a reseracher and that this film does not have any political agenda. HILLARIOUS.

"My mission is to inform.. No political agenda... It's not my mission to change... but not only that. (here comes the funny part), it's also being able to part of the bridge between the Muslim world(he accidently says "arab world" too, Freudian slip anybody?)and the US/west in general. Hahahahahaha. No political agenda? No changes? yet, building a bridge? Dude, building a "bridge" indeed is a change. Why can't you be just fucking upfront and say things the way they truly are. "We want to change the way the West view the Arab world, because we think the Western societies have a fucked up idea of what Muslims are all about. We are sick and tired of hate crime."

WE shall see.

6. O.K. First poll.
Do you believe the Western world respects the Muslim world? "No."
Palestine 84% Egypt 80% Turkey 68% Iran 62% U.S. 54%

And now they are displaying pictures of "stop-the-anti-arab-racism" demonstrations. Which again is very hillarious for Mogahad mentioned earlier that the majority of Muslims are "Asian". But it's all about the Arab world now, hah?

7. Mogahad says that the 57% of the US media content is that of Islamic militants. and that makes up only a fraction of 1% of the global Muslim community. This is fucking hillarious too. I wonder if they stole this idea from the African-American community. "NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS!". I agree, African-American males are nothing but sexy papis. Now would you stomp on my unimportant view and say that I'm "overgeneralizing?". No, you wouldn't, why? because it's a fucking compliment. Media has been prejudiced and provocative since its birth. (kinda like the way I am). Why don't you go and check out the media in the Islamic world? I bet you it's full of overgeneralization, corrupted portrayals of the West and so on. Just as sensational and propagandistic as the Western media. I say blame the ignorance and lack of criticalness of the people, not the media.

8. This Gringo dude (I missed his name, he's supposed to be some type of analyst, I think) says, "the more you get to know the muslim society, the more that you realize that their concerns are very similar to that of our own". HILLARIOUS!!! You can only imagine how fresh that must be to him and his people. "Wow.. these people also worry over things like.. what to eat for dinner? and whether their high school crushes like them or not? woww.."

9. Percentage of Muslim Portrayed as Passive in US media. Women-> 73% Men ->15%

"Compare this to what the Muslim women actually tell us",
(Hahaha, sudden change of music. So sensational.)

The second poll.
(FEMALE SURVEY) Should a woman be allowed to work at any job she is qualified for? "Yes."
Lebanon 96% Malaysia 92% Sudan 85% Saudi Arabia 82% Jordan 89% Iran 84% Egypt 83%

On that, an energetic, white haired gringo male comments "...the majority of Muslim women and men believe that women should have the same rights, equality of citizenship, equal opportunity to the work/education, etc.. " hahaha we shall see.

(MALE SURVEY) Should a woman be allowed to work at any job she is qualified for? "Yes."
Lebanon 92% Malaysia 90% Sudan 80% Saudi Arabia 74% Jordan 82% Iran 67% Egypt 62%

The funniest thing of all is the fact that Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia are NOT even listed here and those nations hold the LARGEST MUSLIM POPULATIONS. (and what about Iraq?)

10. Hijab time.
"Professional Muslim women who wear hijabs will tell you that wearing hijabs takes the emphasis away from their exterior and focuses on the interior..." And during her speech, they are displaying pictures of Muslim women protesting for their hijab wearing right. (fucking hillarious, who is stopping ya?)

"emphasis on the interior, on their mind, on their heart, it's a way for women to be judged on who they are, and not what they look like."

The stupidiest justification I've ever heard. And I would say this to your face. RIGHT to your face. RIGHT TO YOUR FACE.

"In Turkey, it's the statement of identity, the youth are using in a kind of selfless sort of way...."

Say I give you the benefit of the doubt and agree that these women wear hijabs to prove that they are most concerned with the interior part of their identity. If you really think that the exterior part of you should not matter, why do you feel the need to prove it so exteriorly? It's like watching a bunch of stupid green-haired bitches with hedious tattoos all over their body screaming "I don't care about this superficial society, it's about the individuality! My identity! I care about intelligence." But for some reason, they all have the same green hair, same type of tattoos, have the same beliefs, repeat the same shit, do the same shit as one another. Do you think you are so different and unique and intelligent, when you are just so god damn limited in your views and all you do is waste your brains cells worrying about how to come up with a different exterior image to prove the world that you are different? What if you actually spent time NOT worrying about how to "cover" yourself or "expose" yourself externally to "prove a point" and actually STUDIED the science, the diversity of cultures around the world and the history. What if you actually saw the patterns and realized that you are just one of many people are merely trying to impress others by the means of appearance. That you are no different than a pink haired anarchist woman who lives in, hmm Ireland.

And then now this woman is saying that Muslim women wear hijabs because they think it's a religious mandate.

Sad, sad, sad.

11. The Sharia

"what we found to be a growing trend in the Muslim society is that people are really using the principles of Sharia to work for greater justice."

And finally!!! They are showing a picture of Pakistani women with strike pickets that say "we hate crime against womens (there should not be "s" after women, by the way) - Pakistan Human Rights Development Organization."

"...pakistan where women can be punished for being raped."

See this? I'm sorry, this is just aweful and I shouldn't be laughing. But it is just funny to me that the video did not include Pakistan in the poll result that they showed in the earlier part of this documentary. (of course, this was because they wanted to prove that Muslims in general support women's female rights)

But let's look at the reality. Let me pause for a second and compare the number of populations in Lebanon and Pakistan.

Lebanon -> 4 million, about 60% of them are Muslims. (90% men/women support female human rights)
Pakistan -> 126 million, 97% of them are Muslims. (Has a law that allows the punishment of women for being raped)

(Source: Wikipedia)

Hahahaha, good grief.

12. Third poll
U.S. What do you know about Muslim beliefs? "not much or nothing." 54%

13. Now they are talking about terrorism in Christianity and Judism. So far, they have mentioned, Christians and KKK, the Jews and Hebron Mosque Massacre. Sounds like someone too wants to be treated like a Christian or a Jew.

14. "Many people look at suicide bombings and think the only thing that could motivate someone to actually end their own life is the promise of an afterlife, it must therefore be religiously motivated...suicide bombings are as old as time very recently the Tamil Tigers, japanese Kamikaze"

I understand and agree with her point, but the way she justifies her ideas by comparing Islamic suicide bombings to other radical examples is just unprofessional, immature and frivolous.

Here is my explanation(or a bunch of questions) for how suicide bombings should never be considered religious acts.

Afterlife = religion? Psychological Reward system = religion? If you buy me a cookie, my father will do your homework = religion? If you die for whatever stupid cause you think is so god damn important, you will go to a very nice place full of sexy virgins = religion? If you die for whatever stupid cause you think is so important, we will give your family money = religion?

15. Amount of support for the freedom of speech.
ok, most countries somewhere between 80 to 90. (by the way, this time Pakistan IS on the list. )

Now the man is uttering about how Muslims also want democracy like Americans.
I'm at 32:00 and I'm done.
I just can't do this anymore. This is too repulsive to me.
I literally feel like throwing up.


No, I just can't do this. This is too sickening. I feel sick.


(from wikipedia) ->Asi que tomatelo con soda como dicen los chilenos.

Posee una rica historia ya que el poblado que le da origen data de los inicios de la colonización española. Su denominación deriva de Paso del Sandú y de la isla de Ypauzandó (hoy isla Caridad) como lugar de paso de ganado. Allí se fundó una reducción con doce familias aborígenes procedentes de las Misiones jesuíticas en el año 1772 prácticamente en el lugar en que desarrolló la actual ciudad. Se transformó en un asentamiento con puerto y saladero para fabricar tasajo y acopiar cueros. En 1805 se crea la Parroquia de Paysandú, lo que significa de hecho el conocimiento de la villa. En 1810 se le encarga a [[Benito Chain] la planificación y el delineamiento del Pueblo de Paysandú.

Fue sitiada por los portugueses y brasileños en tres oportunidades y es famosa por la heroica defensa que hicieron sus habitantes en 1865, bajo el mando del General Leandro Gómez, al hacer frente al sitio de las tropas del General Venancio Flores y sus aliados brasileños.

La resistencia y el valor que presentaron los sitiados frente a los invasores, a pesar de la disparidad de fuerzas, le mereció el apodo de "Heroica Paysandú" o la "Heroica", apodo que tiene su origen en estrofas del payador argentino Gabino Ezeiza (1889):

"Heroico Paysandú, yo te saludo
hermano de la patria en que nací
tus versos y tus glorias encendentes
se cantan en mi tierra como aquí.
Los bardos que tenemos en el Plata,
que están en el Olimpo en su canción,
dedican a este pueblo de valientes
su más grande y sublime inspiración,
dedican a este pueblo de valientes
su más grande y sublime inspiración."

Disc problems

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

El desamparo y la desesperación

Ortega autoriza sobrevuelo de la marina estadounidense en Nicaragua | Minuto 59

"El Parlamento de Nicaragua autorizó a cinco aeronaves de la marina estadounidense a sobrevolar su espacio aéreo con fines humanitarios a partir del 1 de enero hasta el 30 de junio de 2010, y también la entrada de tropas de Estados Unidos para entrenamientos conjuntos, informaron fuentes legislativas.

El primer avión de la marina estadounidense que sobrevolará el espacio aéreo nicaragüense es de tipo P-3 y lo hará con el objetivo de apoyar “a los vuelos de los transbordadores de la administración nacional de aeronáutica y del espacio (NASA) de Estados Unidos”, dijo la segunda secretaria del Parlamento, la sandinista Alba Palacios. Ese avión sobrevolará Nicaragua del 1 de enero al 30 de junio de 2010, agregó.

El Congreso también autorizó el ingreso de una aeronave tipo C-12 de Estados Unidos para la realización de una evaluación hidrográfica conjunta con las autoridades nicaragüenses para actualizar “cartas náuticas en áreas adyacentes a los Cayos Miskitos”, en el Caribe de Nicaragua, indicó Palacios. Ese avión estadounidense sobrevolará el espacio aéreo local del 5 de enero al 30 de marzo de 2010, añadió."

"con el objetivo de apoyar “a los vuelos de los transbordadores de la administración nacional de aeronáutica y del espacio (NASA) de Estados Unidos”,"

With the intention of supporting "the flights of the shuttles of the national administraion of aeronautics and of the American (NASA)space? What the fuck is this bullshit? I will look into this tomorrow.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

El fin de la historia

In these lands we are not experiencing the primitive infancy of capitalism but its vicious senility. Underdevelopment isn't a stage of development, but its consequence. Latin America's underdevelopment arises from external
development, and continues to feed it. A system made impotent by its function
of international servitude, and moribund since birth, has feet of clay. It
pretends to be destiny and would like to be thought eternal. All memory is
subversive, because it is different, and likewise any program for the future. The
zombie is made to eat without salt: salt is dangerous, it could awaken him. The
system has its paradigm in the immutable society of ants. For that reason it
accords ill with the history of humankind, because that is always changing.
And because in the history of humankind every act of destruction meets its
response, sooner or later, in an act of creation.

Eduardo Galeano - Open Veins of Latin America

Entonces, que se necesita en America Latina para romper (o por lo menos intentar de romper) este circulo vicioso?
1. Collective education(the right kind)- solidarity. Not that I approve of collectivism but nonexclusive education and cooperation within the people is much needed in Latin America.
2. Intellectual enlightenment. (Learn to see the bigger picture).
3. Solidarity.
4. Revolution.

Of course, who am I kidding. All this is just quixotic. How are you going to sit down and educate yourself, when you are starving and horny under the blazingly hot tropical weather (this excludes Chile, Argentina etc). Which is also the reason why it is(or they are-places that share the similar history as Latin America) ulcerated with petty money chasing games and ignorance.

Being "street smart" will only get you so far. If you are street smart, you may be able to lie and cheat some petty money out of a wide-eyed man's pocket. But it's the ones that analyze the system and comprehend the world that have the power to completely eradicate you, your family and your posterity.

Are you weak? Are you narrow-sighted?

Blockage, preceded by narrowing.
Rupture, preceded by weakening.

This is the reason why I love pathology. It can be applied in almost every aspect of one's life. No space for speculation. Well, dood, of course you can speculate. But your speculation will be like a tree that falls in an isolated forest and eventually it will "rupture". Viste? this is how you apply it. Repeat after me. Weak shit ruptures! That's why I'm always on the offensive with a set of spiky hand claws and a garage full of Mac 10s.


martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

The creature with two brains


that in some dinosaurs, the ganglion in the pelvis was so large relative to its brain in its head that it could almost be said to have two brains.

Stegosaurus, Late Jurassic, Morrison Formation, western USA. The largest stegosaur. It had an extremely small head for its size and an extremely small brain. It had a ganglion larger than the brain itself in the hip region to control the movement of the hindquarters. *The area for the spinal ganglion is a storage site for glycogen in birds, and may have been the same in stegosaurs.


Kinda like men in a way, eh?

Urgy in human nature to help

Retrieved from here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/science/01human.html

"An interesting bodily reflection of humans’ shared intentionality is the sclera, or whites, of the eyes. All 200 or so species of primates have dark eyes and a barely visible sclera. All, that is, except humans, whose sclera is three times as large, a feature that makes it much easier to follow the direction of someone else’s gaze.(This reminds me of my baby bird. Since his eyes are just two big, dreamy pupils, he has to constantly turn his head to protect himself from my random finger raids. Does my talk about my babybird make your stomach churn? Am I too emotionally sensitive to you? Well good, I hope you upchuck on your keyboard. And I hope some of your vomit residue gets stuck and corrodes your key matrix too). Chimps will follow a person’s gaze, but by looking at his head, even if his eyes are closed. Babies follow a person’s eyes, even if the experimenter keeps his head still."

"Advertising what one is looking at could be a risk. Dr. Tomasello argues that the behavior evolved “in cooperative social groups in which monitoring one another’s focus was to everyone’s benefit in completing joint tasks.”

“Humans putting their heads together in shared cooperative activities are thus the originators of human culture,” Dr. Tomasello writes.

Socialist Humanism, anybody? Good grief, now I feel like Edgar Allan Poe. Mean, mean, mean.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Para superar la dependencia, mi gente.

At first it was gold and silver.

Poor Indians were hunted down, dragged to work to death (LITERALLY!) at gold mines. And soon the gold became sugarcane. Sugar became cacao, and cacao became coffee. Coffee became bananas. Bananas became the buaxide. The bauxide(aluminium) became the copper and the copper became the tin. Tin became petroleum. And that is the story of Latin America as a raw-material provider. Old world's mealticket. Monotonous dependant.

It was approximately 510 years ago when Colombus first set his foot in Americas. And South America, the gold/silver rich kingdom has always remained the same. It has been ravaged, deprived and manipulated, not for 1 year, not for 10 years, but for 500years. IS it really all just monstrous "Gringos", Europeans' fault? Look at the cycle that has lasted for 500 years and still ON. What is the real problem here?
Why is it that many Latin Americans like to point the finger at the old world and "gringos", and yet they secretly admire them and wish to send their children off to marry them. - If you are Latino and deny this, I say you close your eyes for a second and imagine your daughter marrying an "indio"-or "negro(for the sugarland cabrones). Horrifying, isn't it? I spit on you, hypocrite! -btw, interesting fact: spitting is the worst form of insult in the Jewish culture. (So I will turn into a Jew whenever I feel the desire to spit on you.)Why is it that this cycle of being a provider/depedant has lasted for such a long period of time. (5 centuries.. FIFTY ONE DECADES!)

I do not necessarily think that in today's Latin America, it's the "white men" that are hindering Latin America's economic/social progress.(although that's the way it was BEFORE). Now it's within the culture, the society itself. After centuries of being ravaged and mistreated, it's evident that the region has formed a somewhat intimate masoquistic relationship with its sadistic, old-world masters. What Latin America truly needs is not financial support, a bunch of tawdry/superfluous free trade agreements or compensation but freedom and lots of councelling before it learns to stand on its own feet for the first time in history.

*Excuse my generalization in the 3rd paragraph, I had to go radical because I wanted to mention the Jewish "spitting" culture. That's my next post actually. Conflicts within the Jewish ethnos.

Gun powder

Did you KNOW

that gun powder was discovered in the 9th century by Chinese alchemists who were searching for an elixir of immortality?

Hillarious. Gotta love the irony.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Although in many cases no cause (etiology) is apparent, dilated cardiomyopathy is probably the result of damage to the myocardium produced by a variety of toxic, metabolic, or infectious agents. It may be due to fibrous change of the myocardium from a previous myocardial infarction. Or, it may be the late sequel of acute viral myocarditis, possibly mediated through an immunologic mechanism. Autoimmune mechanisms are also suggested as a cause for dilated cardiomyopathy. A reversible form of dilated cardiomyopathy may be found with alcohol abuse, pregnancy (peripartum cardiomyopathy), thyroid disease, stimulant use, and chronic uncontrolled tachycardia. Many cases of dilated cardiomyopathy are described as idiopathic - meaning that the cause is unknown.
- wiki

Oh this is very curious. How wonder how obesity can develope cardimyopathy. According to some source, it's related to the increased volumn of blood.. hmm.. interesante.