jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

I rant - The trUth!

"Athiests are extreme, they say there's no concrete evidence to prove that God exists, but where's the evidence that God doesn't exist?"

Oh my!! you must be a genius..! piece of shit.

This is what we call a BELIEF.

Do you know what else is a belief? Everything you consider to be the most scientific. Even your mother's existence.

How can people be so presumptuous to think that they know the truth?

Let me just ask everyone a few fundamental questions first.

- Where do we come from?

- Are you absolutely sure that you are conscious, aware of who you are, where you are, what your role in this "world" is?

- Are you absolutely sure that you are not part of your own illusion or something that has yet not a name for?

- Is there anything, ANYTHING you know for sure?

If you can answer any of these above questions with complete confidence, congratulations, you have succeded in qualifying yourself as a jack ass.

We believe in a lot of things. And there's no evidence to prove that anything we believe is anything closer to the "truth". Not only that there's no evidence to prove that there's anything such as the "truth".

So we are left with beliefs. You look around, find whatever you think is "real" and believe in it.

I'm an athiest and I do not believe in God, however I do believe in our ignorance and the mystery. And again, that is my belief. You cannot contradict me because your opinion is just as worthless/worthy as mine. And none of us knows the "truth", for we cannot even know the concept of the "truth".

There is so much to learn and so much we learn to make sense of everything that surrounds us and within us. (Gestalt psychology) But our knowledge is a bunch of hypotheses, theories, beliefs.. the truth? we shall never know.

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