viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Variables - Karen Horney

"That overkindliness may be a reaction-formation against sadistic trends does not preclude the possibility of a genuine kindliness which arises out of basically good relations to others. That generosity may be a reaction-formation against greediness does not disprove the existence of genuine generosity."

So yes, oh yes. How fun. "New ways of psychoanalysis" seems to be a book full of fascinating repetitions of the idea that

- A may be B but A can also be C or D or even E. Thus, one cannot say A is always B.
- Extremes are bad and balance is good.
- Sigmund Freud is insightful but he's also very gross.

YIK! - B0riNG! Where is the originality? Where is the crack and where's the analness? I thought this book was about psychoanalysis, not Zen Buddhism. There's a reason why Sigmund Freud is the biggest name in the Psychology field and not Karen Horney, honey! (even though her surname deserves an award!)

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