jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Learning styles - Honey and Mumford (1986)

Above is a picture of KOLB cycle, similar to that of Honey and Mumford. You just gotta MINUS the arrows. Hohohoho.

1. Activists
2. Reflectors
3. Theorists
4. Pragmatists

1. Activists - These people supposedly enjoy "living for the moment". They enjoy new experiences. They are open-minded and enthusiastic about anything that is new. Bored with implementaion.

2. Reflectors - They like to stand back and think about experiences and observe them from a number of different angles. They are cautious in thier approach, and tend to adopt a low profile, thoughtful.

3. Theorists - They think through problems in a careful and logical way. They tend to be detached and analytical rather than subjective and ambiguous.

4. Pragmatists - They are enthusiastic to put the ideas/theories and techniques into practice. They like to get on with things and get impatient with lengthy discussions instead of actions.

I think It's cowdung to label someone one learning style or another, as people are always "a little bit" of everything. FLUID CONCEPT, if you will. For instance, if you are lacking in visual/spatial ability(like I am), it's probably due to the fact you are not used to visualizing things in your mind. Give yourself 5 years of practice, and you will turn into the master of visualization. Kind of like talent, the only talent that exists in this world is to be born in the society that worships your type of people. You could be fat, skinny, purple, green, etc. If you are born in the right place at the right time, they will cultivate your "talent" by rubbing olive lotion on your skin and put you on the cover of people's magazine. If not, they will shoot you in the head for having 8 tentacles. Which is the reason why I have bullet holes all over my body. What a fucking joke.

Now if I were to apply the KOLB cycle in my life, I would switch the place of active experimentation to abstract conceptualisation and vise versa. How can you possibly develope a "logically sound" theory without trying it out the basic outline first? To develope a theory, you have to have the idea that works. And in order to do that you have to REFLECT AND APPLY it in life first.

Even after the "active experimentation", your theory can not be concrete. You will need to keep "experimenting" to update your theories.

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