viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

KING HUSSEIN: From a very very sensitive source in Syria, that we have had
information from in the past and passed it on, in terms of preparations and
plans, actually all the units that were meant to be in training and were
prepared to take part in this Syrian action are now, as of the last two days or
so, in position of pre-attack. That were meant to be part of the plan, except
for one minor modification – the 3rd division is meant also to cater for any
possible Israeli movement through Jordan on their flank. That includes their
aircraft, their missiles and everything else, that is out on the front at this
stage. Now this had all come under the guise of training but in accordance
with the information we had previously, these are the pre-jump positions and
all the units are now in these positions. Whether it means anything or not,
nobody knows. But I have my doubts. However, one cannot be sure. One
must take those as facts.
GOLDA MEIR: Is it conceivable that the Syrians would start something without
full cooperation with the Egyptians?
KING HUSSEIN: I don’t think so. I think they would cooperate.

Bregman - Israel's wars

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