domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Why do I ask why

For those who do not know the real causes of things confuse everything, and without the least mental repugnance they picture trees no less than men as speaking, and imagine men to be formed from stones no less than from seed, and any forms to be changed into any other forms whatsoever. So also those who confuse divine with human nature easily attribute human passions to God, more especially if they do not know how passions are produced in the mind. But if men would give heed to the nature of substance they would by no means doubt. - Spinoza, ethics

According to this man,
To be able not to exist is want of power, and on the other hand, to be able to exist is power (as is self-evident).
What the carajo led him to believe that non-existence equals desire of power. And where is the proof to believe that existence is power? Well, I say it's the opposite. To exist = to be powerless. Not to exist = to be powerful. That ought to make me the philosopher of the century. (Some dickhead(s) might have said this before me though)

Well, OK. I can not read this shit. I wanted to give it a try but I can't. It's just ridiculous. His process of thinking is completely illogical. And he's building up his shit using the excerpt above as the foundation.(which I clearly disagree with, or can not understand for he doesn't provide any sensible explanation for his obscure ideas).

See, now I'm frustrated and I'm drinking again. How incredibly nerdy and pompous would be of me to order a shirt that says "Spinoza made me drink again." Just as nerdy as the time I tried to invent my own language. It's been 9 years, I should have kept working on it.I would have been fluent in my own very special language by now. Well, I'm still young and fearless so I might as well just give it a try again.

*If you want to learn about a god, or gods or the god or the "God" or the oh my gawd or oh my gawt, read Putois by Anatole France, and THINK.

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