lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009


I'm an internet user and I have been so for quite a long time. And recently I've noticed the increased amount of the activity called "trolling" on the internet. Troll, according to Wikipedia, means "...a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

A while ago, I read an incredibly mysogynistic comment written by an internet user in reply to a woman who had made a comment which, in my opinion, was completely innocent.(No, it wasn't me!) Soon the woman replied with her own emotional comment. And the user who made the mysogynistic comment mockingly responded to her with, "You have been trolled, dumb ass."

This right here is a great example of the schizoid/histronic tendency in "common" people. Jumping from personality to another, and address somewhat hyperbolized ideas that they secretly agree with, however wish they didn't, and deny the responsiblity by dissociating themselves from it.

Why do they do this?

They are not capable of distinguishing what they agree with and what they don't. For they lack a set of moral values that they should have learned to build themselves. They do not understand the concept of identity. Neither are they intellectually capable of recognizing such deficiency. Which results in "not doing anything about it" namely the persistent ignorance lasting for the rest of their lives.

They imagine that they can immediately dissociate themselves from whatever irresponsible remarks they make whenever they need to deal with the "responsibility." To affirm this( this attempt to "affirm", itself proves that these individuals are suffering from the sense of insecurity, guilt, the uncertainty which also goes to show that the offender subconsciously understands what he is doing, and yet in the future, when the responsibility is laid upon him, he will deny and reject this completely), they may attempt to come up with more outrageous ideas to offend people. And feel the delusional pride that they have achieved insulting someone without being the one responsible for the insult. On the other hand, to avoid the secret guilt, he may turn the responsibilty around and insist upon the insulted individual for having paid attention to his idea.

Also, considering that trolling is an attention seeking behavior, it must be addressed that these individuals may suffer from chronic loneliness. For these individuals are not particularly "interesting" or "original" enough to grasp others' attention, they find other means attract them - by setting people's houses on fire.
Of course, the only difference between the real life arsonists and the trolls would be that arsonists take responsibility for their crime. (by that I mean, they understand the simple concept that the house is burning because they started the fire), whilst trolls imagine that they can mutate and jump from one character to another by dissociation. (by disowning the responsibility)

In conclusion, if you are trolling on the internet, you are just demonstrating to the world that you are miserable and that you have a self-hatred problem. And if you "feel what I'm saying" and desire to improve your mental health, just send me an email and I will be more than happy to consult you. Or maybe I won't, maybe I will react emotionally like that woman, track you down and "accidently" murder you and your whole family.

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