sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Take off that mask.

Muslim woman 'told to take off veil' by bus driver in Australia
A Muslim woman has accused a Sydney bus driver of racism after he told her to take off her headscarf because it was against the law to wear it on board.

"As I was stepping onto the bus the driver said 'You can't get on the bus wearing your mask'," she told the Sydney Daily Telegraph newspaper.

she explained it was religious dress, the woman said the driver responded: "Sorry, it's the law."

"I told him it wasn't the law and he said 'You have to show me your face,'" she said.

"I said to him, 'There's no difference between me and that lady sitting there who chooses to not wear what I'm wearing'." Uhahahahaha relax, Muslim Rosa Parks.

The bus company, Hillsbus, said the driver was being questioned over the claims.

"We are investigating it and doing that as quickly as we can," a spokesman said. "We need to get to the bottom of it, work out what happened and what went on, and what we need to do about it."

Muslims make up about 1.7 per cent of Australia's heavily Christian population of almost 22 million, and religious tensions have run high in recent years.

Anti-Muslim sentiment flared on Sydney's southern Cronulla Beach in December 2005 when mobs of whites attacked Lebanese Australians there in a bid to "reclaim the beach"...


Village idiots VS religious suckers. It's either that I'm high on my delicious dark chocolate from Switzerland (no sexual implication intended), or this story is just fucking amusing. Imagine this blockhead telling the muslim princess to take off her mask. "g'day, tik off thaht mask, will ya, its no time to party!" It's too funny, I can't believe it. Take off that mask!

*The sexy, pentahedron shaped, dark chocolate I was eating while writing this is Toblerone.

And here's an interesting fact I found on the Toblerone's wiki page.
In 1995 it was revealed that the Swedish politician Mona Sahlin had bought, among other things, two bars of Toblerone using her Riksdag credit card. This became known as the Toblerone affair. Sahlin was forced to step down as a candidate for the post as Prime Minister. She returned to politics in 1998. - wikipedia Haha, kinda like the way Jay Severine crawled back on the radio after being suspended for calling Mexicans leeches and criminaliens. His "racist" rant wouldn't have been so funny if Severine wasn't a leech himself. Leech Severine knows how to attract listeners. ;)

Vean cabrones, echenle ladrillos cuando vean a ese "Severine" que es un atencion puto que le gusta hablar mierda sin darse cuenta de las consequencias que pueda brindarle a la sociedad tan ignorante y credula donde nos vivimos. Gente como el usa la "provocacion" como el medio para atraer mas oyentes. (porque ese Severine no tiene caracter, talento ni acotencimientos para atraer la gente solito) El apela a la emocion fuerte de la gente y naturalmente y como de siempre la gente idiota que construye la mayoria parte del mundo reaaciona sin pensar primero de que carajo esta hablando el. Pero el problema aqui no se trata de esa "attracion", el problema es el hecho que este tipo de personas DIFUNDEN el racismo y la ignorancia para obtener sus beneficios egoistos. Yo se que la violencia no es la solucion. Pero recuerdense que gente como el infectan la sociedad con la mas horrible enfermedad. LA IGNORANCIA!

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