lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Para superar la dependencia, mi gente.

At first it was gold and silver.

Poor Indians were hunted down, dragged to work to death (LITERALLY!) at gold mines. And soon the gold became sugarcane. Sugar became cacao, and cacao became coffee. Coffee became bananas. Bananas became the buaxide. The bauxide(aluminium) became the copper and the copper became the tin. Tin became petroleum. And that is the story of Latin America as a raw-material provider. Old world's mealticket. Monotonous dependant.

It was approximately 510 years ago when Colombus first set his foot in Americas. And South America, the gold/silver rich kingdom has always remained the same. It has been ravaged, deprived and manipulated, not for 1 year, not for 10 years, but for 500years. IS it really all just monstrous "Gringos", Europeans' fault? Look at the cycle that has lasted for 500 years and still ON. What is the real problem here?
Why is it that many Latin Americans like to point the finger at the old world and "gringos", and yet they secretly admire them and wish to send their children off to marry them. - If you are Latino and deny this, I say you close your eyes for a second and imagine your daughter marrying an "indio"-or "negro(for the sugarland cabrones). Horrifying, isn't it? I spit on you, hypocrite! -btw, interesting fact: spitting is the worst form of insult in the Jewish culture. (So I will turn into a Jew whenever I feel the desire to spit on you.)Why is it that this cycle of being a provider/depedant has lasted for such a long period of time. (5 centuries.. FIFTY ONE DECADES!)

I do not necessarily think that in today's Latin America, it's the "white men" that are hindering Latin America's economic/social progress.(although that's the way it was BEFORE). Now it's within the culture, the society itself. After centuries of being ravaged and mistreated, it's evident that the region has formed a somewhat intimate masoquistic relationship with its sadistic, old-world masters. What Latin America truly needs is not financial support, a bunch of tawdry/superfluous free trade agreements or compensation but freedom and lots of councelling before it learns to stand on its own feet for the first time in history.

*Excuse my generalization in the 3rd paragraph, I had to go radical because I wanted to mention the Jewish "spitting" culture. That's my next post actually. Conflicts within the Jewish ethnos.

1 comentario:

  1. Interesting commentary. It almost sounds like you are saying that Latin America is now just dependent. If so, I'm curious to know what dependence you are specifically writing about? Are you talking about foreign aid or industrial dependence? If the former, have you thought about what strings are attached to 'aid' that these countries receive that may not actually work in their favor in the long run? If the latter, have you considered countries like Chile and Brazil which are quickly becoming industrial powerhouses? Unfortunately, the effects of the pillaging and foreign interference in governments cannot be changed overnight. Also, I'm sure that comparatively, current levels of production and 'independence' between Latin American countries and those conquering nations could be more or less equal if a lot of those resources were returned and every country started from scratch :)

    As far as the social commentary goes, plenty of racism does exist in all of these countries, but like it or not there is still a pretty good correlation between social/economic status and skin color. Thus, a desire to mix with the 'gringos' may just be a desire to move up the socioeconomic ladder, something that is common in any culture. And even if 'gringo's are 'scapegoated', it 1) may not imply dependence/lack of motivation on the part of mestizos or morenos and 2) may be warranted ESPECIALLY if their governments are still being meddled with by those foreign interests. My point being that you could hold both views without necessarily being labeled a hypocrite. Just my two cents :D
