viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

John Hawkins

Back in 1562 Captain John Hawkins had smuggled 300 blacks out of
Portuguese Guinea. Queen Elizabeth was furious: "It was detestable and would
call down vengeance from heaven upon the undertakers," she cried.12 But
Hawkins told her that in exchange for the slaves he had a cargo of sugar, hides,
pearls, and ginger in the Caribbean, and she forgave the pirate and became his
business partner.

Good grief, the weather is getting so cold.

In 1595 he accompanied his second cousin Sir Francis Drake, on a treasure-hunting voyage to the West Indies, involving two unsuccesful attacks on San Juan. During the voyage they both fell sick. Hawkins died at sea off Puerto Rico. Drake would die a few months later in England.

He was succeeded by his son Sir Richard Hawkins.

Hawkins came to the public's attention again in June 2006, almost four and a half centuries after his death, when his descendant Andrew Hawkins publicly apologized for his ancestor's actions in the slave trade.

Fucking hillarious.

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