jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Russian website

While I was doing my Russian writing exercise, I found a great website for Russian learners.(me, myself, and I)


I really like that it contains information about prepositional adjectives.

I usually never say this about any language but Russian really is difficult. (I'm probably feeling this way because Russian is an East Slavic language and I have always been sticking with my cozy Latin language family.) Well, Russian really is fucking difficult. But I want to learn it. And I'm greedy and focused. Nobody can stop me now.

Mirame bien. Yo soy la que ROMPE el suelo.

(por pesar tanto? jajajaja)

новый -> в новом
новая -> в новой

(update) Damn, sounds like someone's been drinking too much Redbull.
(Another update) What do you know, I made mistakes again. I told myself so many times that Karopke is feminine and yet I had to put "-om" (masculine) in front of karopke. And there was another silly mistake I made of "za".

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