martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

The purposes of research

1. Review and synthesise existing knowledge
- explore and analyse more general issues
- generate new knowledge
- explain a new phenomenon
2. Investigage an existing situation or problem
- provide solutions to a problem
- construct or create a new procedure or system
- explain a new phenomenon.

* Primary data
- data you collect yourself
1. direct observation
2. interviews
3. questionnaires

advantage: you can tailor the information-gathering
disadvantage: time consuming/requires considerable skill (uhahaha, disadvantage?isn't that the fucking point? developing a research skill? to learn how to be systematic? of course not, you'd rather go and watch the Hills with your Doritos.. lethargic, braindead. Yeah, Gabrielle I'm talking to you, you fat ass, stenchy shrew.)

- This is all according to my text book so naturally I don't agree with at least 30% of what's been said

*Secondary data
-Info collected by others (including company statistics, records, results of surveys, etc)

advantage: rapid to a wide range of info
disadvantage: limitations(cuz it aint particular. "it aint.." excuse my lethargic language, my hands are weary for not doing anything, or I could get a little more paranoid and say that there are people in my bed room wall who are projecting an invisible beam to melt my hindbrain which is causing my hand to function in a languid manner)

The effective researcher and the qualities required to be one (I swear, I should have chosen Philosophy as a major.)
1. Communication skills
2. Intellectual skills
3. Indepedence
4. Perseverance
5. Motivation
6. IT skills (NOW THIS! I AGREE WITH 100%)
7. Organisational skills
aight, ain't that bad at all.

Although isn't it quite funny that the same person who wrote this also said that the disadvantage of the Primary Data is that you actually gotta use your brain to draw up well-designed questionnaires. Hahahaha. Somebody needs to slough off these peoples' human suits and put them back in the zoo.

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