domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

The sane/the histeric/the schizoid

The "sane"
1. His actions may be virtually mechanical
2. Mechanical behavior does not encroach on his life
3. It does not prevent the emergence of sponteneous expressions, it is not completely against his wishes that he seeks to repudiate it.
4. He does not feel that his mechanical behavior is killing him rather than he living it.

The Histeric
1. He dissociates himself from much that he does.(a form of evasion of the full personal implication of one's actions. ->the hysterical character erects as a whole way of living.
2. He seeks to achieve gratification through his actions. (Libidinal and aggressive wishes towards other persons)
3. He denies the significance of his actions. (Belle indifference-the casual detachment)
4. He claims that the certain highly gratifying activities are pretending, while secretly his own desires are being fulfilled in and through these very activities

The Schizoid
1. His alse self is not a vehicle for the fulfilment or gratification of the self-
The self remains hungry and starved as his false self does not gratify the inner self.
2. The false self is compulsively compliant to the will of others. It's partially autonomous and out of control, it is felt as alien.

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